Jul 25,2023

Alison Mirams Appointed As Member of the National Construction Industry Forum

"Congratulations to the other members, I’m excited to continue conversations to date, and start new ones in order to improve our industry now and into the future.” Alison Mirams, Executive Chair

Roberts Co has always been committed to driving positive change in the Australian construction industry; existing to do good, not just make good. To look forward. To innovate. To push. To lead. To change.

Roberts CO CEO Matt Bourne thanks Alison Mirams for setting the standard for championing change for the industry since launching Roberts Co as CEO in 2017, and her continued commitment to do so in her current role as Executive Chair.

“One of the driving factors for me taking on the role as CEO was our aligned vision to improve our industry as a whole. It is rewarding to see Alison’s hard work be recognised at federal level, being appointed as one of 12 foundation members for the National Construction Industry Forum (NCIF). I congratulate Alison on behalf of the whole team at Roberts Co for her appointment and look forward to our ongoing partnership to implement further initiatives at Roberts Co.”

Roberts Co congratulates and welcomes all 12 foundation members to the NCIF, which includes an equal number of members from employer groups and unions.

The federal government recognises it will take a collaborative approach to avoid industrial disputes. Workplace Relations Minister Tony Burke stated, “For too long we’ve had a situation where people were in their own corners throwing rocks. We said we wanted to bring people together, to genuinely work on issues, and we’re doing it.”

Alison Mirams is honoured with her appointment.

“I would like to thank and congratulate Minister Burke for taking positive steps in improving the systemic issues our industry is facing and most importantly, improving the livelihood of our workers. Congratulations also to the other members, I’m excited to continue conversations to date, and start new ones in order to improve our industry now and into the future.”

Full article by Anthony Galloway in The Sydney Morning Herald at the following link: smh.com.au/politics/federal