PUSH FOR CHANGE | “Australia’s construction industry is a $360-billion house of cards teetering in a profitless boom in which builders big and small are going bust—and warnings from its coalface indicate the worst is yet to come.” The Urban Developer
Leading the charge for major industry reform by example is Roberts Co CEO Alison Mirams who is pushing for a five-day working week in an industry where six-day working weeks and sometimes seven-day working weeks are the norm; placing a greater focus on bringing women into the industry (only 12 per cent of its workforce are women) to increase diversity; and “fair and appropriate” risk ownership on projects.
A must-read article with commentary from ACA CEO, Jon Davies, Hutchinson Builders Chairman, Scott Hutchinson, Condev Construction Managing Director, Steve Marais, John Holland CEO Joe Barr along with Roberts Co CEO, Alison Mirams.
Read the full article in The Urban Developer here.